Towards Universal Birth Registration for Guyana: Report of Assessment Legislation, Policy and Practice on Birth Registration

Report, 2011
Towards Universal Birth Registration for Guyana: Report of Assessment Legislation, Policy and Practice on Birth Registration

This report, commissioned by the Rights of the Child Commission (RCC) and United Nations Children‟s Fund (UNICEF), presents the findings of a two-month research project to examine the situation of birth registration among children in Guyana. The study included a detailed desk review and field research in four of ten administrative regions of Guyana (Regions 1, 2, 7 and 10). The study engaged both Duty Bearers and Rights Holders at the national, regional and community levels. In total 618 households were interviewed and data for 1,770 children were recorded. In addition, the study engaged a wide range of stakeholders at the national level including leading experts and professionals within the government and non-governmental sectors. These include the Ministry of Home Affairs, which has responsibility for birth registration, the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, the Ministry of Health; Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security; Children‟s Legal Aid and regional officials.

The study examined various aspects of a child‟s identity rights including: an assessment of (i) legislation, (ii) policy and practice and (iii) attitudes and behaviors of care givers (parents and/or health workers). The major findings are grouped into three key categories; policy, prevalence and practice.

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