Back to What Counts: Birth and Death in Indonesia

Country Assessments and Strategies, 2016
Back to What Counts: Birth and Death in Indonesia

Civil registration is integral to the Indonesian government’s current poverty-reduction strategy, both for its ability to confer legal identity to citizens and as the principal source of the country’s vital statistics. Unfortunately, ownership of key civil registration documents, such as birth certificates and death certificates, remains exceptionally low, and governments are often unable to access timely, reliable, and comprehensive vital statistics.

This work is a product of the staff of the Center on Child Protection Universitas Indonesia (PUSKAPA). The study sought to provide the Government of Indonesia (GoI) with an evidence base of the bottlenecks, gaps, strengths, and opportunities in the existing systems, identify models from comparable countries, and assess relevant contextual variations within Indonesia to inform planning and implementation of an enduring solution. This involved a three-part systematic desk review, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and a cross-sectional, multi-stage cluster survey at the sub-district level in the provinces of Aceh, Central Java, and South Sulawesi.

About this resource
Type of Resource:
Country Assessments and Strategies
Year of Publication: