Bali Process Civil Registration Assessment Toolkit

Training and Tools, 2018
Bali Process Civil Registration Assessment Toolkit

This Toolkit helps interested States assess and improve their national civil registration system in order to record all of the births, deaths and marriages that occur in their territory among refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons and persons of undetermined nationality.

The Toolkit has two parts:

Part One: Understanding and making the case for refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons and persons of undetermined nationality provides general guidance on civil registration and the issues around civil registration of these particular populations, including the advantages of doing so, in order to provide context and background for conducting an assessment.

Part Two: Methodology for assessing the civil registration of refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons and persons of undetermined nationality provides suggested activities for States to conduct a self-assessment of the civil registration of refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons and persons of undetermined nationality on their territory, and to formulate an action plan with target, suitable to the national context, to improve the situation. The tools to conduct the assessment are contained in the annex.

About this resource
Type of Resource:
Training and Tools
Year of Publication: