- Pakistan's Seminar for Parliamentarians
- Congratulations to SPC, the Gobal CRVS Group's new Chair
- Kazakhstan amends law to ensure universal civil registration coverage
- OpenCRVS goes live in Bangladesh
- ESCAP's Statistics Director raises awareness for the Ministerial Conference in October
- Due to recent travel restrictions pertaining to Covid-19, the following CRVS-related meetings have been postponed.
- The Sixth Meeting of the Regional Steering Group for CRVS in Asia and the Pacific, originally scheduled for 30 March - 1 April
- The 7th Asia-Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development, originally scheduled for 25 - 27 March
- The joint ESCAP - UN Statistics Division workshop on "Measuring SDGs from Population and Housing Censuses and Civil Registration Data, originally scheduled for 2 - 3 April
- The joint ESCAP - Vital Strategies workshop on "CRVS Business Process Improvement", originally scheduled for 6 - 8 April
- However, despite travel restriction, preparations are still currently underway for the 76th Session of the ESCAP Commission from 18 - 22 May, in Bangkok, Thailand
- The Secretariat for the Pacific Community (SPC), with support from development partners, recently released the Best Practice Guidelines and Examples of Legislation for CRVS in the Pacific, V. 2, along with a framework for building model CRVS legislation.
- BMC Medicine presents a series of articles on progress in strengthening CRVS systems, highlighting key methodological advances, innovations and implementation experiences that resulted in significant gains in knowledge about best practices to strengthen national systems.