
News & Events

06 Apr 2022
Webinar upon the release of 2022 WHO verbal autopsy instrument

Event Details

The WHO Classifications and Terminologies Unit is organizing a webinar upon the release of 2022 WHO verbal autopsy instrument on the 6th of April 2022 at 12:00 UTC/14:00 CET.


14:00 Welcome note
Stephen MacFeely
Director, Department of Data and Analytics - WHO HQ

14:05 Introduction to verbal autopsy
Robert Jakob
Unit Head, Classifications & Terminologies - WHO HQ

14:12 Development of WHO verbal autopsy instrument
Daniel Chandramohan
Past chair of the WHO Verbal Autopsy Reference Group

14:20 2022 WHO verbal autopsy instrument revision
Erin Nichols, Co-chair of the WHO Verbal Autopsy Reference Group

14:30 Verbal autopsy implementation and application
Daniel Cobos, Co-chair of the WHO Verbal Autopsy Reference Group

14:40 Demo of electronic tools for 2022 WHO verbal autopsy instrument
Leito, Clark and Di Pasquale, WHO Verbal Autopsy Reference Group

14:45 Q & A session
Jordana Leito, Secretariat of the WHO Verbal Autopsy Reference Group
Carine Alsokhn, Technical Officer at Classifications & Terminologies Unit - WHO HQ

15:00 Closing remarks
Robert Jakob
Unit Head, Classifications & Terminologies - WHO HQ

Go to webinar:

WHO Verbal Autopsy page:

For more information: please contact

Date of Event
Wednesday 06th Apr 2022
Event Venue
Online (Zoom)