This report documents the work led by CRVS stakeholders in Fiji to assess, analyze and redesign civil registration business processes, including registration of births, deaths, marriage, divorce, change of name and the production of vital statistics. The key recommendations emerging from this assessment propose strategies to realize a more resilient, user-friendly and universal CRVS system in Fiji. Key to achieving this is the continued digital transformation of the CRVS system and its integration with the nation-wide digital FIJI programme which aims to increase interoperability between government platforms and facilitate improved service delivery to the population.
It is hoped that this assessment will inform the development of a strategic roadmap which outlines specific action areas to streamline and simplify civil registration business processes, to ensure that all vital events in Fiji are registered. The time dedicated by CRVS stakeholders in Fiji during extensive consultations and workshops is testament to their commitment to ensuring that every Fijian is in the picture.