Brochure: The role of research in strengthening CRVS systems

Advocacy Materials, 2017
Brochure: The role of research in strengthening CRVS systems

If policymakers are going to make the decisions to strengthen their CRVS systems, they need to know whether they are investing resources wisely and optimally. Research can help them take effective actions at each stage of the policy cycle. Research can also help identify topics requiring the attention of decision-makers and partners and is critical for exploring options or alternative courses of action for addressing priority problems. Research can inform alternative courses of action by offering evidence of lessons learnt from the past or other settings. Once decisions are taken and put into practice, research is conducted to assess effectiveness in terms of intentions and results by examining impact and outcomes.

This brochure highlights the need for further research in the area of CRVS and outlines issues and challenges that research can address. In addition, it gives an overview of current research activities related to CRVS.

The brochure builds on the research agenda for CRVS in Asia and the Pacific published in 2014 in the Asia Pacific Population Journal.

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Advocacy Materials
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