CRVS Insight October 2022

Newsletters, 2022
CRVS Insight October 2022


Upcoming Events:

  • 25-28 October 2022: Second National Workshop on Demographic and Statistical Capacity Building, Vang Vieng, Lao PDR. Participation in the Workshop is by invitation only
  • 7-11 November 2022: Workshop on Probabilistic Population Projection, at Pattaya, Thailand, jointly organized by NESDC, the United Nations DESA, and UNFPA Thailand


  • ESCAP Blog: Rarely is a death certificate a news item - often it doesn't even exist, released on 4 October 2022.
  • World bank blog: Taking the right turns: Harnessing available evidence and guidelines to bridge gaps in gender data production, released on 29 September 2022.
  • World Economic Forum blog: Civil registrations and vital statistics: Here's why they're fundamental to society, by Steve MacFeely and Martin Bratschi, released on 7 October 2022.

Career Opportunities:

  • Statistics & Monitoring Specialist (Administrative Data), (P-4), Temporary Appointment (364 days), DAPM, #122144. A position at UNICEF, apply by 30 October 2022. Vacancies | UNICEF Careers.
  • Statistics Adviser (Civil Registration and Vital Statistics) position at SPC is now being advertised. Application must be online by 13 November 2022, 11:00 pm (Noumea time). Refer to SPC’s careers page for further details.
  • Technical position for the initial phase of the Pacific Islands Regional Programme on Strengthening the Availability and Quality of Causes of Death Data - Regional - RFQ22-4698. A position at SPC, closing date is 30 October 2022. Find more details here.
  • Technical Officer (Health Information Systems Strengthening). At HQ/HIS Health Information Systems Strengthening, in Switzerland-Geneva, apply by 7 November 2022. Details here.
  • Statistician P3. A temporary job opening at UNESCAP - Statistics Division, apply by 31 October 2022. Find more details here.
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