Monitoring the state of statistical operations under the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Asia-Pacific region (2nd Round)

Advocacy Materials, 2020
Monitoring the state of statistical operations under the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Asia-Pacific region (2nd Round)

This report presents a summary of the Asia-Pacific results of the second round of a global survey on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on statistical operations of National Statistical Offices launched on 7 July 2020. The global survey was carried out under the aegis of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistics Division (UNSD), in partnership with World Bank’s Development Data Group and in coordination with the UN Regional Commissions.

Asia-Pacific highlights include:

  • Evidence of a commencement or re-commencement of face-to-face data collection.
  • Continued impact on compilation of essential monthly and quarterly series including price statistics (such as CPI), national accounts and household sector statistics.
  • National Statistical Offices serving on government crisis response groups or national level advisory groups.
  • COVID-19 related data collection efforts being led by institutions other than the National Statistical Office and results of such data collection efforts not being used by the majority of National Statistical Offices.
  • The opening (fully or partially) of all National Statistical Offices in Asia and the Pacific, but the majority of staff are being instructed to work from home. Adequate ICT equipment or infrastructure is the main barrier to staff face working from home.
  • NSOs in Asia-Pacific continue receiving assistance international development partners.
  • Additional assistance with equipment and infrastructure is greatly needed.

Link to the 1st round of the survey: Monitoring the state of statistical operations under the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Asia-Pacific region.

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