OpenCRVS has a new home!

Mass Media, Blogs and Social Media, 2022
OpenCRVS has a new home!

(Newsletter: CRVS Insight March 2022) is a new not for profit organisation that is being established to ensure that OpenCRVS, the Digital Public Good for CRVS in low-resource settings, is a sustainable, long-term solution.

One of the organisation’s key objectives is to build an active community that responds to the needs of implementing countries, technology service providers and development partners. The OpenCRVS Community can be joined by taking a short survey (2 mins max!), which will also help the organisation understanding how best to respond to country needs.

A OpenCRVS Product Council is being established to ensure that the OpenCRVS product reflects the needs of governments and their users around the world. 

CRVS experts are being asked to register interest in joining the OpenCRVS Product Council by sending an email to, with the following details: Name; Organisation; Role (explaining specific relevance to CRVS); Country; Why you should be a part of the OpenCRVS Product Council. is generously supported by NORAD, Plan International Australia and Vital Strategies.

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Mass Media, Blogs and Social Media
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