Matrix of activities

Matrix of activities


Displaying 1181 - 1200 of 1467

Type Title Date
Resources Report of the Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development on its second session
News Get an overview of the features of the website
Resources The Right to Universal Birth Registration in Australia by Melissa Castan & Paula Gerber
Resources Summaries of special sessions of the Ministerial Conference on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific
Resources Statistics Norway - Handbook on dissemination of statistics
Event 72nd Session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Resources Concept Note Bali Process Civil Registration Assessment Toolkit
News Strong commitment to improve CRVS in the Pacific
Resources Briefing for meeting of ministers of health for the Pacific Island countries
Resources Report on national targets and baseline data, Iran (Islamic Rep. of)
News Assessing civil registration of asylum seekers, refugees, stateless persons and persons of undetermined nationality
Resources Administrative Data Sources for compiling MDGs and related indicators
Resources AIPJ Baseline Study of Legal Identity: Indonesia’s Missing Millions
Resources Toward Universal Birth Registration. A Systemic Approach to the Application of ICT
Resources A composite metric for assessing data on mortality and causes of death, the vital statistics performance index (VSPI)
Resources A global assessment of civil registration and vital statistics systems. monitoring data quality and progress
Resources CRVS Developments and the Global Financing Facility for Women and Children’s Health
Resources Engaging stakeholders in a national CRVS Improvement Plan
Resources Vanuatu – Engaging other sectors to increase coverage for “hard to reach” populations
Resources Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) For Monitoring Health Policy Impacts in the Cook Islands