
News & Events

14-15 Feb 2024
National workshop on using demographic and CRVS - related data and evidence to inform gender-sensitive policies in Bangladesh

Newsletter February 2024

Countries in the Asia-Pacific region have indicated their need for support in ensuring that data and evidence can be presented to, and used effectively by policy makers, thus taking evidence to action.

  1. On 11 – 12 July 2023, Bangladesh held their first consultative meeting on Supporting Evidence to Inform Policy Outcomes in Bangladesh (or Evidence to Action: E2A). After consultations, the priority topic selected by Bangladesh's E2A was Child Marriage and Adolescent Pregnancy.  
  2. The National Capacity workshop, co-organized by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and ESCAP Statistics Division on 14 – 15 February 2024 in Dhaka, engaged relevant data producers and users in strengthening their capacity on bridging the gap between evidence, policy and practice in the E2A cycle.

More information about the event available here.

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