
News & Events

02-03 Jun 2020
OpenCRVS kicks off a series of webinars

(Newsletter: CRVS Insight May (2) 2020)

Plan International, the creators of OpenCRVS, the digital civil registration system designed for low resource settings, will host and participate in a series of webinars for governments, donors, development partners and system integrators.

Interested stakeholders are invited to attend the OpenCRVS: product capabilities and technical deployment webinar on Tuesday, 2 June 2020, from 3:00 - 4:00 (Bangkok time) which will include a presentation from the OpenCRVS Team and an opportunity for Q&A. Interested parties can join via Zoom (Meeting ID: 826 7761 9253 & Password: 960428).

For those unable to join, a recording of the webinar will be made available at

Pacific stakeholders can also join the webinar on OpenCRVS organised with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community & Pacific Civil Registrar's Network on 3 June 2020 at 10:00 a.m. In advance of this webinar, interested parties can read a short background note with instructions on how to join.

Readers can also find presentations and recordings from the recently concluded webinar series jointly organised by the secretariat of the UNLIA taskforce, the global CRVS group and the Pacific Community here.

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