
News & Events

26 Jan 2024
Orientation workshop for the Assessment, Analysis and Redesign of CRVS Business Processes project in Lao PDR

To further support the ongoing strengthening of the Lao PDR CRVS system, ESCAP and UNFPA have developed a joint program in 2023-2024 aiming to enhance the capacity of Lao stakeholders through key activities. 

The BPI component of the joint programme employs a process-centric approach, utilizing methodologies and tools such as process mapping to engage stakeholders in identifying bottlenecks and potential solutions. Guided by the CRVS Systems Improvement Framework, key activities under this programme are organized into documentation, analysis, and system redesign, involving a core team of national CRVS stakeholders. The iterative and collaborative process includes capacity building and collaborative consultation sessions, high-level dissemination events, and the eventual publication of a comprehensive report. The initiative aims to build on existing frameworks, align with legislative improvements and digitalization efforts in Lao PDR, and contribute to the continual improvement of the CRVS system.

The BPI Orientation workshop held on 26 January marks the first step toward implementing the BPI component of the joint program and established a core team of stakeholders to lead the work. 

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