
News & Events

29-31 Jan 2019
Vital Strategies Training Program: Effective Use of Data in Public Health Journalism - Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Bangkok, Thailand, January 29-31 2019

Effective Use of Data in Public Health Journalism - CRVS

As data become more prevalent and accessible, good reporting on public health challenges – at the community, national, and global levels – increasingly requires journalists who can:

• understand and assess the validity of various types of health data;

• discover trends and patterns in those data; and

• communicate findings from data to their audience clearly, succinctly, and accurately.

Program Description

This 3-day workshop will build the data use skills of a select group of journalist to develop stories related to Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS). The training will provide a detailed overview of CRVS – what it is and why it is important – and build skills related to data use in reporting. Topics covered: common data related terms and concepts; primary sources of public health data; basic methods for analyzing, interpreting, and visualizing public health data; and effective tactics for interviewing public health experts about data-rich topics. Participants will be mentored to develop a CRVS related data story for publication.

Dates: The program will be held from January 29-31, 2019.

Schedule: January 28 (Monday) Participants arrive. January 29-31 (Tuesday-Thursday) Participants complete 3 days of practical training. February 1 (Friday) Participants depart.

Attendees: 22 mid- to senior-level journalists who (a) work for established media outlets in Bangladesh, Mumbai, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and Shanghai; (b) have previously produced stories on public health topics; and (c) have a specific idea for a data-rich public health story they want to develop. (NOTE: The journalist’s media house must provide a letter of support and indicate its commitment to publish the story.) Attendees must bring a laptop.

Language: Program sessions will be held in English. Journalists who are multi-lingual and report in local languages and are fluent in English are encouraged to attend.

Sponsor: Vital Strategies, an international NGO, is presenting this program as part of its Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative.

Financial Support to Attendees: Vital Strategies will arrange and pay for participants’ travel to and from Bangkok, as well as lodging while there. It will also provide a per diem stipend to cover meals and other incidental costs during the training program and the conference.



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