Matrix of activities

Matrix of activities


Displaying 521 - 540 of 1467

Type Title Date
Event Warm-up session: Relationship between civil registration and legal identity in Asia and the Pacific
Event Warm-up session: Connecting Vital Events Registration and Gender Equality
Event Warm-up session: Civil registration and vital statistics as an accelerator for the Sustainable Development Goals
Event Warm-up session: Health sector and civil registration and vital statistics
Event Deep dive on progress made during the first half of the Decade
Event Deaths in Asia and the Pacific: How many remain uncounted?
Event Count us in the Picture: Voices of Children and Youth on CRVS
Event Unique Identifiers - How can we minimize the risk and maximize the benefits? 
Event Business Process Improvement- An Innovative Approach to CRVS System Strengthening
Event #CountingEveryone Through Leadership and Coordination
Event Birth Registration of Refugees in ESCAP Member States
Event Establishment of CRVS Sister Districts in SAARC Countries
Event Digital Innovation: Civil Registration and COVID-19 Vaccine Record
Resources Proposal for Side Events for the Second Ministerial Conference on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific
Resources CRVS Insight July 2021
News CRVS Champion: Carla AbouZahr
News WHO releases annual report tracking health-related SDG indicators
News Preparations for the Second Ministerial Conference on CRVS moving forward
News Launch of the Getting Every One in the Picture - a snapshot of progress midway through the Asian and Pacific CRVS Decade
Resources Vital statistics resources